A. The flatter the platform, the smoother the racing surface.  Whether plywood or particle board, the platform base must be pre-sanded as evenly and consistently as possible to ensure perfect track alignment overall ease of construction.  Any belt, disc or hand sanding should be accompanied by a carpenter's level, T-square or other known straight edge for reference.  Make sure that there is no paint, varnish, grease or dirt on any area of the platform where the drag strip would be bonded.

B. Measure twice, cut once.  Lay all the track sections in place, pencil trace their outlines for reference, and mark the location of any access cutouts that will be required to accommodate power taps and/or timing sensors.  A sabre saw with a fine blade is best for the access cutouts, using a pilot hole drilled within the cutout area that is large enough for the saw blade.