Track Owners Association, Inc.

Track Owners Association, Inc.

May 1998 Feature Report
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This month we’re featuring another very powerful force within the industry but one which, while enjoying thousands of devotees, has not shared the limelight with the road course scales.

Question: How would YOU like to get 800 to 1000 or more entries - all at the low-buck rate of $2 to $3 per entry - and run them all in the space of ONE WEEKEND?

The wisdom behind promotion of drag racing - in all the scales - is as plain and simple  - DRAG RACING IS GOOD BUSINESS!

Why?  Almost any drag strip will make more money per square foot of retail space than any road course - and that’s with just TWO LANES!

Next question: Which track owner will be the first to install an EIGHT LANE DRAG STRIP?

Need more convincing?  Here are several very good points to ponder:

  1. There is no inherent crashing involved - thereby protecting your customer’s investment in slot cars.  As a result this instills an enhanced pride in dragster ownership by the customer that, in turn, reinforces customer loyalty!   That’s called a "virtuous business cycle."
  2. Since most drag racing formats are "bracket races" a major source of customer dissatisfaction - the threat of potential cheating - is rendered a moot point!  In other words…"Can we go back to having fun now? J "
  3. Since the whole slot drag game usually takes one second or less, administering a slot car drag race program is the most efficient format of all!  DRS - Drag Racing Specialties generates 1000 entries in a weekend while it takes the USRA a whole week to process 500.  (Do we hear a distant "Ca-Ching?")
  4. In the continuing trend toward a physically cleaner retail environment…well…slot dragsters never really get dirty in the first place.
  5. For rentals, a coin-op box (by Trik Trax) makes a drag strip a virtual (no, not cyberspace) slot car vending machine.

Want to make money?  Install a drag strip and Go!!

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